Ono Pharma Foundation Symposium Ignites Passion for Chemical Biology and Empower the Next Generation

Ono Pharma Foundation (ONO-PF) is committed to accelerating innovation and building communities through robust support for chemical biology research. As part of their efforts, the ONO-PF recently held a symposium in San Francisco on June 26 (https://www.onofound.org/events/2023-annual-symposium/), which attracted over 130 participants and concluded with great success.

The symposium featured 10 presentations on awarded research by amazing principal investigators (PIs) from top universities, making it an exciting event. A highlight of the symposium was the special talk by Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry last year and a member of ONO-PF’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Her talk was truly remarkable, captivating the audience.

Moreover, the symposium included roundtable discussions that provided an opportunity for PIs and students to engage in in-depth discussions about chemical biology research and career development. The presence of numerous students and the chance to interact with renowned researchers will undoubtedly have a significant impact on their future endeavors.

ONO-PF would like to express our deep gratitude to the awardees and the dedicated members of the SABs, who participated in and contributed to the symposium despite their busy schedules.

ONO-PF will continue to support chemical biology research, making valuable contributions to innovation and the growth of the research community.